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What happens during worship?

Our source for worship is the Book of Common Prayer (1979) of the Episcopal Church.  You can browse the Book of Common Prayer online here.

Worship is often called “liturgy,” an ancient word that means “the work of the people.”  Worshiping together is essential to our life as a Christian community, and supports everything else that we do.  Our gatherings for worship are open and welcoming to all comers.

2023-04-02 PalmSun 550px

Palm Sunday procession, recalling Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, a few days before he was crucified.

In our typical Sunday worship, known as
Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion ...

  • we hear Bible readings and a sermon, that remind us of the stories, the promises, and the challenges of God’s call to us;

  • we sing and pray, and bless and share the bread and wine, to remember Jesus and to nourish his ongoing life within us and among us;

  • we are sent out to live our daily lives, strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

Worship also includes ...

  • the observance of the great festivals of the church’s year such as Christmas and Easter, and the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Holy Week that prepare for these festivals

  • celebrations of baptism, confirmation, marriage, and funerals

  • other special occasions at times of joy or concern, in our life together or in the wider community

  • regular or occasional small gatherings for prayer and praise other than Sundays and festivals

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